Email Subscription

I hope all of you that read this have either visited my site or have been alerted via my email subscription service. The service is easy to set up and it really helps me know when people know that I have posted to the site. As we know, social media is becoming more and more difficult to follow and I hope that this site and some other sites I have been developing are being utilized.

So, I have a question and favour to ask. If you received this via the service please let me know. If you are reading this post via other means (i.e. Facebook or Twitter) would you please follow the link below to sign up. It takes less than a minute and I promise that I won’t be sending tons of emails. I typically post a couple times a month. If you feel this is too much after a while, you can always unsubscribe.

I truly need to know who is actually following my site and the content I will be providing. I will be going into full production for podcasting and will also send out snippets of my new books. I do need some form of feedback to know that my work is actually being read or listened to.

So there you have it. Go to this page and find the “news feed subscription” to the right of the blog (or at the bottom of the page on tablets and phones) to sign up. You can also sign up for the podcasts there too.

Thank you so much, Martin


It’s nice to be flying again. I’m also quite happy that my new base airport is Campbell River or as it’s known in pilot speak “CYBL”.

The area is stunning and the island goes on forever. Across the Salish Sea are a wall of snow-capped mountains that leave little room to penetrate under 8,000 feet.

Campbell Lake is spectacular as well and I hope to get there sometime soon.

The only thing that was negative was having a viewpoint that sees the vast clearcuts of what once was forest. Now just snowpack, spring will melt it off and wash the soil along with it. I wish there was a better way to log but it seems this is one sight that hasn’t changed since I started flying aircraft. Hope one day it will change.