Published in Book Form – Counter Encounters

Well. It is finally something I can say. After writing likely over a million words give or take. I’m finally published in book form.

I have been working on books for many years, however I have found many excuses to postpone or delay them. Usually because bills needed to be paid or other amazing excuses were found. The good fortune of writing a short story turned into a theme. The theme turned into a few short stories that pretty much wrote themselves. So in somewhat of a short time, I finished it and it is how published on Kindle and is available in paperback on Amazon. The title is Counter Encounters and you can find it under my author page:

I have 4 non-fiction books and one work of fiction on the go. This one just popped out and it scares me a little. Something very different for me to write… Romance. HAHA! Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

Have a look, buy it so I can try to get a few more books out there. Your support is important. Secondly, if you do buy and read it, please write a review!