My office

Here the view desk when the sun shines!

102.3 Juice FM in Grand Forks, BC

Published in Book Form – Counter Encounters

Well. It is finally something I can say. After writing likely over a million words give or take. I’m finally published in book form.

I have been working on books for many years, however I have found many excuses to postpone or delay them. Usually because bills needed to be paid or other amazing excuses were found. The good fortune of writing a short story turned into a theme. The theme turned into a few short stories that pretty much wrote themselves. So in somewhat of a short time, I finished it and it is how published on Kindle and is available in paperback on Amazon. The title is Counter Encounters and you can find it under my author page:

I have 4 non-fiction books and one work of fiction on the go. This one just popped out and it scares me a little. Something very different for me to write… Romance. HAHA! Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

Have a look, buy it so I can try to get a few more books out there. Your support is important. Secondly, if you do buy and read it, please write a review!

Modern Problem -COVID-19

I have one thing to say right now regarding our modern problem with COVID-19.

As a writer of many news stories, I can see the truth and lies more readily than others. That’s what I call experience.

So, if you want experience to tell you what to listen to and believe.

I suggest you must start here:

Let’s stop the panic and false news and start educating ourselves.

Current Updates

Well, this past few months have been so very new things happening that I have had little chance to blog. I will post again soon with more detailed information but for now, this is a quick outline

If you do not already know, I took on a morning show host position at Juice FM in Grand Forks, BC. I’m on air between 6 and 10 every weekday morning and I have a lot of fun there. The Boundary is a great place to live and work. I’m known on air as “Martin in the Morning” and my motto is “Taking You into the Light”. Bunny joins me at the station and she does the morning traffic report.

I also have been involved with the local volunteer fire department. I’m still developing my skills but I can drive the big red fire truck, direct traffic (in an emergency situation) and I can handle a hose with confidence. I can also help with medical emergencies by as a runner. I hope to have my First Responders ticket this year. Then I can help even more.

A book. Published. Yes. After many years of magazine articles, TV documentary scripts, news stories, ad copy, training courses, and so on, I finally wrote and published some fiction. I do have a 4 books of non-fiction on the burner but finally, a book has been published. It’s on Kindle and Amazon under the title of Counter Encounters.

Greenwood Board of Trade took me on as their president. This has also been a busy time for me. The BoT or gBoT was in need of improving its business advocacy in the region. I have made some changes to make it a business and trade development entity as opposed to just promoting city beautification.

Systems Solar is my design company. I have been working on this project for many years. I have entered a deal with the stakeholders of the West Kootenay Power Building (WKPB) in Greenwood (Anaconda). I will be preparing a report fo them to look at monetizing the site. It is a beautiful heritage transformer station. Built in 1905, it is an icon of the Crowsnest Highway 3.

I have updated some of my IMDB page. I corrected my name and I still have to add my Shaw TV show credits and a few other rolls on TV series. Lots to do!

Well that is what’s up these days. I hope that the book generates some income so I can do more writing. Time is money in our world and so the more I can earn the more I Can write. and on that note, I must get back to preparing my weekday radio show, the gBoT AGM next week, and finalize a site visit for the WKPB this week!

Quotes of Leonard Cohen

I read and listened to Leonard Cohen in my pre-teens. Maybe not the perfect romantic role model for a child, however his use of words were exquisite and the feelings as a child, who was likely more intellectually advanced than his station in school, craved creativity. Words are my outlet to the world. They were then, they are now.

Here’s just one quote I’d like to share:

“How can I begin anything new with all of yesterday in me?“